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Frequently Asked Questions

“Blue pipes” is a medical slang term for veins. Metaphorically, we view BluePipes as a network and service provider for the lifeblood of the healthcare industry…healthcare professionals.

First, you can select Connect on the top right of the menu bar to use the Webmail contact tool. The tool allows you to interface with your Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail/Outlook email accounts to search for and invite colleagues from your address book. You can also use the Manual Invites option to enter individual names and email addresses. The system will return a list of matches who are already members and give you the option to invite those who aren’t already members. Second, you can search for them by name by typing the name in the People Search box on the top right of the menu bar. The system will return a list of matching members. You can then visit the profiles and select Connect in the bottom left corner of the profile summary box.

Skills Checklists are self assessment tools designed to convey a healthcare professional’s proficiency with the various aspects of a particular specialty. They are typically required by healthcare staffing agencies, but they can also be submitted for prospective permanent employment opportunities. They can also be used as a guide for future focus when seeking to improve ones skill set.

Only the information showing on your public page is viewable by others. The vast majority of the information you store with BluePipes is kept private and revealed only at your direction. BluePipes provides a cloud based resume and suite of career management tools for free to healthcare professionals.  So the private information is only surfaced when you utilize the Resume or Application features.

The BluePipes profile builder is designed to help you recognize and record the information that human resource representatives, recruiters, and hiring managers are looking for, but is typically left off of resumes. Such information is extremely important. It conveys vital information about your experience and how that experience relates to the job in question. Once you’ve entered this information, you’ll be able to print out a beautiful resume that we believe will increase your likelihood of standing out from the crowd. Also, you’ll notice that most of the information is not required.

This information is typically required when completing a job application. Printing your profile as a job application is one of the services offered by BluePipes. You can utilize these features at your convenience and can always count on this information being kept private and secure.

Your personal contact information can be added by selecting the “Account” link on the upper right corner of any page on This information will never be revealed or released by BluePipes. It is only surfaced when you utilize the Resume and Application features.

Your emergency contact information can be added by selecting the “Account” link on the upper right corner of any page on This information will never be revealed or released by BluePipes. It is only surfaced when you utilize the Resume and Application features.

We are working on a feature that will allow you to select multiple units for the same hospital. For now, we recommend selecting the unit with the highest level of acuity and then typing out details in the comments section to signify the percentage of time that you worked in each unit.

You can print your profile, skills checklist, and/or application to PDF by selecting the Download Profile as Resume or Download Profile as Application links at the bottom of your profile summary box.

Your Notification Settings can be modified by selecting the “Account” link on the upper right corner of any page on

This feature utilizes a form of “User Generated Content” that enables “type-ahead functionality” to make it easier for members to complete their profile. As more members join, they’ll be able to utilize the data to quickly and conveniently build their profiles. Additionally, the city and state are utilized by the Resume feature, while the remaining information is only utilized by the Application feature.

The supervisor data is surfaced only when you utilize the Application feature. In the near future, we’ll add a feature that allows you to generate a List of References report that can be printed to PDF like your resume. You’re not required to enter any data pertaining to supervisors. However, it’s a great way to maintain the information for quick reference when needed and it’s sometimes required by employers.

We’ve designed the BluePipes profile builder to help you record and display your supplemental work history in the best way. Select “Agency” as the employment type when entering your agency work history. You can then enter the Agency information. When complete, you’ll be able to add each assignment you worked for that agency. This lets you properly display the agency as your employer and also benefit from displaying the great hospital experience you achieved. This is also the way that healthcare employers prefer to see the information recorded. Please view our video on the subject below for a more detailed explanation.

The simple answer is that hospitals want to get you into their “Applicant Tracking Systems” which requires that you (or someone) complete their online application. However, Applicant Tracking Systems typically provide an option that allows candidates to upload a resume. This is where we recommend uploading your BluePipes Resume, Skills Checklist, and/or Application. If completed in its entirety, the BluePipes profile builder generates an application that is far more detailed than the vast majority of Applicant Tracking Systems on the market. We believe that this will give you a leg up on the competition by making it easier for recruiters and human resource representatives to find the information they truly need. In the long run, we hope to partner with hospitals and other healthcare employers who see the value in utilizing and accepting the BluePipes application as a means to providing a convenient application method for rare talent in the tight healthcare labor market.

When completed in its entirety, the BluePipes profile builder renders the industry standard “Submission Profile” for supplemental staffing positions. The submission profile is comprised of an application, a skills checklist, and 2 references for the specialty in consideration. Many staffing agencies will accept this for submission because unlike permanent positions, supplemental positions are typically filled within 1 week of being released. As a result, BluePipes provides agencies with a competitive advantage as they’ll be able to quickly submit newly discovered candidates to active job openings. Then, agencies can either enter the information in to their own applicant tracking systems, or require that candidates complete the agency’s application and skills checklist as part of the credentialing process once a position is secured.

How to properly display your agency work history using your BluePipes profile:

You can use BluePipes to take your healthcare job search to the next level!

How to create PDF resumes, job applications, and skills checklists with BluePipes:

Find out why BluePipes is the best healthcare professional networking site!

Contact us with additional questions!

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