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The Dangers of Nurse Burnout and How to Feel Like Yourself Again

As healthcare professionals navigate the aftermath of a three-year pandemic, addressing and combating burnout remains a top priority and prevalent concern. It’s important to acknowledge that burnout is a natural response to chronic stress and has long been a challenge for healthcare workers to deal with. However, by recognizing the signs and implementing effective strategies, nurses can alleviate stress, prioritize their well-being, and continue delivering excellent care to their patients.

Nurse Burnout and Its Causes

Burnout, as defined by, is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion resulting from prolonged and excessive stress. Several factors contribute to burnout, stemming from both personal and work-related circumstances. Let’s take a look at some of the most causes of burnout for nurses:

Excessive Workloads for Nurses

High patient-to-nurse ratios are a leading cause of burnout. Despite the presence of support staff, there are certain tasks that nurses cannot delegate, leading to an extensive list of care responsibilities that must be completed within limited time frames.

Administrative Burdens for Nurses

Nurses not only care for multiple patients but are also responsible for meticulous documentation of their work. While thorough documentation ensures optimal patient care, it can be challenging to manage when attending to the needs of multiple patients and their families.

Lack of Sleep for Nurses

The demanding nature of twelve-hour shifts, combined with the additional hours spent on daily living tasks, can make it physically and mentally challenging to endure such long working hours. Night shifts further disrupt the circadian rhythm, making it difficult for nurses to obtain quality sleep.

High-Pressure Environments for Nurses

Healthcare professionals dealing with high-acuity patients often face the stress of closely monitoring multiple medications and equipment, while also tending to the needs of other patients. Interacting and supporting concerned family members can add to the strain.

Nursing Workforce Shortages

Nurses have long faced understaffing issues, but the pandemic-induced burnout and the availability of work-from-home options have forced nurses to undertake the workload of multiple colleagues. This shortage can complicate tasks that require the support of multiple individuals.

Nurses Lack Control of Scheduling

The absence of control over one’s schedule can contribute to burnout. While complete autonomy is not feasible, having some influence over the days and times worked is crucial. Insufficient recovery time and inadequate sleep between shifts can adversely affect a nurse’s well-being.

Nurses Lack Support

All the aforementioned factors can contribute to burnout, and lacking support from managers or employers exacerbates the situation. Without a supportive work environment, the challenges become even more daunting. In such cases, seeking alternative employment opportunities may be necessary.

6 Essential Strategies to Help Nurses Avoid Burnout

While burnout is common, there is hope for recovery. Developing self-awareness is the initial first step in addressing and preventing burnout, enabling nurses to regain their sense of empowerment, balance, and fulfillment at work. Below are six tips to combat your own burnout as a healthcare professional:

Prioritize Personal Health

Your well-being is paramount for providing optimal care to your patients. While preventing burnout is ideal, it may not always be feasible due to increased workloads and demanding shifts. Focus on staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep to stay on top of your physical health.

Seek Support

Meaningful conversations with family, friends, and colleagues can help alleviate stress. As a travel nurse, make time for regular phone calls and video chats with loved ones back home. At work, cultivate an environment of openness where you can share work-related challenges, stresses, and successes, fostering supportive relationships and an emotionally safe workplace environment.

Schedule Self-Care

Striking a balance between work, socialization, and relaxation is vital. Dedicate regular, scheduled time each week for self-care activities like yoga, meditation, journaling, walks in nature, or time with friends– whatever puts a little pep in your step and purpose in your routine.

Establish Boundaries

Setting boundaries is self-care. It is acceptable to decline overtime shifts or social engagements when you’re feeling exhausted or overwhelmed. Prioritize your own needs to prevent burnout before it strikes!

Take Time Off

Paid time off and sick leave are available to you for a reason– use these benefits to recharge, travel, or simply take a break from work if you are beginning to feel overwhelmed in your daily routine. Allow yourself the opportunity to rejuvenate and restore your energy levels.

Get Sufficient Sleep

Adequate sleep is vital in preventing and addressing burnout. Aim for at least eight hours of quality sleep per night. If you work night shifts and need to sleep during the day, consider using a sleep mask or blackout curtains to darken your room, a sound machine to drown out neighborhood noise, and reduce your screen usage at least two hours before bed to create an environment that is conducive to rest.

Travel Nursing: Happier Nurses, Healthier Patients

Nearly every healthcare professional has experienced work-related stress. Although burnout prevention is ideal, it may not always be feasible given increased workloads and stressful shifts that come with working in the industry. At Advantis Medical Staffing, we specialize in travel nurse well-being by connecting professionals like you to shorter contracts, more money, and better benefits In fact, nurses themselves rate Advantis Medical Staffing their #1 preferred travel nurse agency! We’d love to get you started on your next journey toward balance and well-being. Explore our database of thousands of open opportunities to get started!

Guest Article by Brian Sutter at Advantis Medical Staffing

Brian Sutter is a marketing and healthcare thought leader and contributes to a variety of publications. He loves connecting the dots with marketing, strategy, and healthcare best practices. He currently serves as the Marketing Leader for Advantis Medical.



