Travel Nursing Blog

Everything you need to know about travel nursing including finding travel nursing companies, negotiating pay, taxes, travel nursing jobs, and more.

Finding Travel Nursing Companies – Or Letting Them Find You

Travel nursing companies spend a lot of resources and utilize many methods trying to find travel nurses. I assure you that at least a couple of these methods will blow your mind. They engage in advertising campaigns and attend conferences and job fairs. They utilize all facets of internet media including job boards, social networking, targeted advertisements, ad words, informational offerings, blogs, and even Continuing Education Unit web sites. Read more

Finding Travel Nursing Companies – Blogs, Message Boards, Word of Mouth

With literally hundreds if not thousands of travel nursing companies in business, determining which companies you’re going to work with can be daunting. In addition, there are so many different ways to find them. In this post we’re going to discuss the benefits and limitations of relying on blogs, message boards, and word of mouth when finding a company to work with.

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Finding Travel Nursing Companies Using Rating Services

With literally hundreds of travel nursing companies in business, determining which companies you’re going to work with can be daunting. In addition, there are so many different ways to find them. In this post we’re going to discuss perhaps the most common method that travel nurses rely on, travel nursing company rating services. Read more

Finding a Travel Nursing Company – Beware The Broadcast Service!

With literally hundreds if not thousands of travel nursing companies in business, determining which companies you’re going to work with as a travel nurse or travel healthcare professional of any kind can be daunting. In addition, there are so many different ways to find them. In this post we’re going to discuss one of those ways which I like to call the “Broadcast Service.” Read more

Travel Nursing Companies – Their relationships with hospitals matter, Part 2

In our last blog post, we discussed how a travel nursing company’s “Direct Relationship” with a facility works and its potential ramifications for the travel nurse. In this post, we’ll discuss the “Vendor Management Service” relationship and the potential ramifications. Read more

Travel Nursing Companies – Their relationships with hospitals matter, Part 1

It’s useful for travel nurses to be informed about hospital-agency relationships. Remember, a travel nursing company can only work with a hospital if it has a contract to do so. These contracts exist under several different arrangements. Each arrangement results in different outcomes for the hospital, the agency, and the travel nurse. There are essentially two relationship categories, Direct Relationships and Vendor Management Service relationships. Read more

Does the Size of Travel Nursing Companies Matter for the Travel Nurse?

I’ve been in the travel nursing industry since 2006. For as long as I can remember, travel nurses and agency staff alike have highlighted the differences between large travel nursing companies and small travel nursing companies. So, in this article, we’ll define big versus small travel nursing companies and discuss how the size of an agency may or may not affect the services they provide.

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