Travel Nursing Blog

Everything you need to know about travel nursing including finding travel nursing companies, negotiating pay, taxes, travel nursing jobs, and more.

7 Potential Start-Up Costs for Travel Nurses

Whether you’re just getting started as a travel nurse or taking on your next travel nursing assignment, there are potential start-up costs that you will most likely be responsible for covering. Many of these costs may be reimbursed as part of your travel nursing pay package, but travel nurses should always anticipate the need to cover some costs up-front. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the potential up-front costs and offer some tips for dealing with them so that you can formulate a plan. Read more

Travel Nursing Pay: Same Hospital, Different Pay?

Travel nurses often discuss and compare their travel nursing pay packages. This is understandable given the opacity of travel nursing pay. Additionally, pay is always a matter of negotiation and it’s natural for people to want to know whether or not they’re getting a good deal. Read more

Travel Nursing at Small Rural Hospitals

Small rural hospitals are often in need of travel nurses. Such hospitals present some unique and challenging circumstances. Understanding the issues involved will help travel nurses ensure a very rewarding experience. Read more

How to Calculate Travel Nursing Net Pay

Calculating net pay is an important step in comparing competing travel nursing pay packages and ultimately deciding whether or not to accept a particular travel nursing job. The importance of net pay is relatively unique to travel nursing. This is due largely to the fact that levels of tax-free compensation vary so greatly. However, there are other important factors to consider. Here we’ll discuss the factors that affect net pay and provide a strategy for calculating it. Read more

Breakdown of Travel Nursing Pay Package Image

Sample Breakdown of a Travel Nursing Pay Package

Travel nursing pay packages are complex because they incorporate many variables that are not common in traditional pay packages. Meanwhile, many people believe that travel nursing agencies are actively gouging hospitals and employees. In this article, we’ll provide a detailed breakdown of a travel nursing pay package, including all the costs that come out on the agency’s side. We hope this information helps travel nurses negotiate better pay packages and helps everyone achieve a more thorough understanding of how travel nursing pay works.
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How To Never Complete Another Travel Nursing Job Application or Skills Checklist

This short video explains how travel nurses and travel healthcare professionals can use BluePipes to reduce their paperwork burden, increase their reach in the travel nursing job market, increase their chances of landing their most desired assignments, and force travel nursing agencies to compete for their business. Over 50 agencies have already contacted us to let us know that they will accept your BluePipes documents and there are many others that are accepting them but haven’t contacted us. Read more

What You Should Know about Travel Nursing Pay for Testing and Paperwork

Travel nurses are consistently bombarded with paperwork and testing for each new travel nursing job they accept. It’s not uncommon for travel nurses to spend 6 to 12 hours completing paperwork and taking tests prior to even starting the assignment and that’s not counting the various physical exams that must routinely be taken. In many cases, agencies do not pay for the time spent completing these tasks. This leaves many travel nurses feeling like they’re getting ripped off and wondering how this is possible. Read more