20 Of The Best Responses To The View’s Remarks On Nursing #NursesUnite
As you’re no doubt aware, nurses and their allies have been lashing back at the popular daytime talk show “The View” for some disparaging remarks the co-hosts made about Miss America contestant Kelley Johnson and the nursing profession. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at 20 of the best responses from across the web.
First, let’s set the stage. Miss Johnson is a Registered Nurse who took a chance with an unconventional approach to the talent portion of the Miss America competition by wearing her nursing uniform and reciting a monologue about her profession. During a subsequent episode of the view, co-host Michelle Collins made the following remarks:
But then there was a girl who umm wrote her own monologue. Which I was like, turn the volume up…this is going to be amazing (jokingly), like, let’s listen! And she came in in her nurse’s uniform and basically read her eamils out loud and shockingly did not win (LOL)! I was like, that’s not a real talent! I swear to God, it was hilarious.
To which co-host Joy Behar replied:
Why did she have a doctor’s stethoscope on?!
Co-host Raven chimed in:
Was it even about that?
She helps patients with Alzheimer’s, which I know, is not funny. But I swear, you had to see it, like google it if you can.
Nurses were understandably outraged as were many others. After all, nurses are consistently rated as the most honest and ethical professionals in America by an annual Gallup poll. The outrage prompted an “apology” that was more of an explanation than an apology, which only made matters worse. Below is the full transcript of the “apology”.
I actually want to say something because something happened Monday on the show that was really, you know, I think, taken out of context. We were talking about, um, the Miss America Pageant. And we were talking about the talent competition. And one of the girls, Miss Colorado, gorgeuos girl, she got up and gave a monologue. And we were just talking about the talents.
I just want to say first of all before we even go on, cuz people were very upset about what we said. I, for all of us want to say, we love nurses. Nurses, if you’re watching we adore you, we respect you, clap for the nurses, really! You guys are wonderful, you’re the most compassionate people. And I think, you know, I just think we have to have a moment about that.
I was not talking about her as a nurse. We were talking about the talent competition. And it got misconstrued. So, there was an example where I think people kind of, you know Joy…
Sensitive and not listening to the whole intent.
It’s a classic example of what we’re talking about.
Write, and by the way if you’re bosses are watching, you all deserve raises. I want that. This is how much I love nurses! Give them more money, given them everything, take my money, okay?!
Nurses…we’re all at their mercy, let’s face it.
But you didn’t come for nurses though! Did they hear the conversation? Did they know what you were talking about at all?!
You know what? I was just not paying attention. I was looking at a Miss America tape. And there’s a woman wearing like an outfit with a stethoscope and I’m thinking is she in a costume? I didn’t know she was a nurse.I’m used to seeing them in gowns and bathing suits. It’s not like I was being funny. It was just stupid and inattentive on my part. I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about.
I wasn’t here.
Yeah, I mean, my son in law is a physician assistant. One of my nieces is a nurse. So, I mean, I know they use stethoscopes. It was just, I was just not paying attention.
And by the way, they also are hilarious. And every time I used to go to Saint Luke’s, one time for rabies, ladies and gentlemen…anyways….the nurses…we’ll talk later….the nurses were the funniest, you know, they’re just fun, they do great work and they’re wonderful people.
I think they get it. I think they get it.
I hope so because we would never…nurses are great.
Of course not, you know.
We need comedy.
Listen, you just…well, no, not even just that.But, you have to listen. You have to pay attention. You have to look at folks and say, “Is that what they said?” Or, did she make a joke?
It’s intention.
You know, that’s the thing.
Mine wasn’t even comedy. Mine was just dumb.
So, that’s the “apology.” We’re not even going to comment. Instead, we’re going to let the responses from around the web do the talking. As you might expect, the responses run the gamut, from comedy, to sincerity and everything in between.
1) Best Doctor Who Can’t Find A “Doctor’s Stethoscope” Response:
2) Best “Stethoscope Confusion” Response:
3) Best “Nurse’s Costume” Response:
4) Best Technical Response:
5) Best Sentimental Response:
6) Best “Doctor With a Stethoscope” Response:
7) Best Doctor Response (Pulmonologist at University of Cincinnati):
8) Best “Celebrity Doctor” Response:
9) Best Corporate Responses:
Johnson and Johnson is also running a charity campaign related to the incident. For every photo donated through their “Donate a Photo App” designating The Foundation Of The National Student Nurses Association”, they’re donating $1 to the association. The goal is $50,000. And the money will be granted as $1,000 scholarships to nursing students.
10) Best Response From a Muppet:
11) Best “Teachable Moment” Response:
12) Best “Matrix” Response:
13) Best “Invitation” Response:
14) Best “Hashtag” Response:
15) Best “How To” Response:
16) Best Response From a Local Weatherman:
17) Best “Boycott The View” Response:
Change.org has a petition requesting an actual apology, in addition to the “apology” the program offered already. It has over 50,000 signatures. You can sign up here.
18) Best “Group” Response:
The Facebook Group “Show Me Your Stethoscope” has over 600,000 members in just over 2 days! That’s just amazing!!
19) Best “Nurses Save Lives” Response:
20) Best Written Response To The View:
Now, we read a ton of responses to the view and they’re all amazing. So, we’re not necessarily singling this one out as “the best”. Rather, it’s emblematic of the all the amazing responses that nurses everywhere took the time to write. We have given the response it’s own page and you can read it in its entirety here. It was written by Katy Shindelus, RN and she was kind enough to let us share it. Here is an excerpt:
I once had a patient in the ER for whom family, along with the medical team, decided no more could be done and it was time to pull the plug. The family could not bear to watch their loved one die so they left the room. The doctor was also too busy to stay. I was also busy but could not imagine leaving this person to die alone in an empty hospital room. My coworkers realized this and took care of my other patients while I held the dying patient’s hand and stayed with her until she took their last breath.
Seriously….nurses are freaking awesome. Thanks for everything you do!
As always, we hope you enjoyed this post. Please let us know how you feel about this topic by posting in the comments section below. And please let us know if there is something we missed!
Yay us!!!! It is certainly a wonderful feeling to be recognized and appreciated as a nurse! The work can be very very hard at times-physically, emotionally, spiritually draining. The hours are long and “thank-you’s” sometimes don’t come often enough. Our work never ends, and we are always spread too thin. Who has time for gratitude and praise? (lol!)
Fortunately, those don’t tend to be strong driving factors in our profession. So much of the gratification just has to come from within knowing we make a difference. We find inspiration and joy for our work in the smiles, tears, and connections we make with our patients, their families, and our community. Kind words of support and praise are pretty nice to hear too-I gotta admit! I feel very proud to be a nurse in this moment, after having read through the forum. Thanks to everyone who took a moment to cheer for us! Enjoy the moment, nurses! We have earned it! There is never a bad time to appreciate and praise one another for doing a great job! Nurses-let’s tell someone at work today how much we appreciate them! A few kind words and a smile each day would be a great start to turning the bullying issue around.
Bullying, workplace hostility, lateral violence – are (ironic as it seems) issues that we struggle with every day. They are issues that can be corrected. I commend Jen for her effort to address the probs and communicate with other nurses about it! Atta-boy, girl!!! While this forum draws in the attention of nurses from all over the world – it seems a great time to throw it into the conversation. All actions begin with a vision. A shared vision propagates organization, which is all we need to put all the unnecessary negative behavior to rest. The “real-world” of healthcare is often much much
different than what our instructors taught us it would be in nursing school. Things aren’t always fair, or right, or just. Politics exist. Corruption exists. Doing “the right thing” isn’t at all easy at times – and sometimes it isn’t even an option and seems outside the realm of possibility altogether. It has been disappointing to me far too often. I’m at year 13 now, but will always remember the many let-downs I experienced in my first year of nursing. I was driven and excited to become part of a team of selfless, altruistic, ethical caregivers, who I thought – like me- just wanted to always do the right thing and who chose the work with the over-riding genuine and sincere intention to-above all else-help patients. I do my best to convince myself the majority is just that, but corporate greed and power is impossible to miss all the time – no matter how oblivious and naive one would like to stay. (Heavy sigh!) So Jen…I hear you! I’m listening, and what you are saying MATTERS! Nurses….we were formally trained to listen to others and empathize….that is the “right thing” to do here, isn’t it? Throwing negative labels out couldn’t possibly be productive or helpful – and ultimately just blocks communication…its a worthy topic 🙂
and hey! have you hugged a nurse today? ((((((((((big hugzzzzzzz to all!)))))))))) Nurses rock! (takes a bow)
Wow ! So happy to see how united we are ! I a so proud to be an RN !
I have been a nurse for 37 years. Have worked in many settings. I remember having to stand when a doctor walked into room. Nurse have come a long way! I can’t believe some days how things have changed. They have elevated nursing to a highly respected profession where we are taken seriously, our opinions are asked for. Thoughtless comments can reinforce stereotypes we have worked hard to overcome.
I work in a hospital and love all the nurses. Now my daughter is a nurse. Most seem nice I probably am not around them enough to see -‘bullying’ , but I feel most do a good job.
Wow …Did my initial comment generate all this traffic to this blog? Bullying is a HUGE problem in nursing and my suggestion for all of you is that if we could learn to be kind and compassionate to one another like we are to our patients, then perhaps we can get rid of the nursing shortage one day.
I honestly didn’t read the comments after I left and I don’t plan to. I am happy with myself and my life… not my profession because of the bullying that goes on. Bullying is unacceptable and unprofessional. Period.
I feel sorry for your past experiences, I have been a nurse for almost 40 years. And in that 40 years I have had a few challenging co workers, but I don’t let them rule my life. My priority is giving the best care possible to my patients and showing compassion to everyone I come into contact with including my peers. If you are so miserable and can do nothing but bitch maybe you should get out of the profession.
U r just ignorant!
I hope someday u need a nurse and they laugh and walk out. U deserve it
Think u made ratings you lost thousands of views on the view and they will not come back as long as u r on he show even after your phony apology!
My daughter is a nurse in icu
Why don’t I visit and see the lives they save
Kyle, my apologies to you because I realize that you didn’t mean for this blog to be anything like this. I wish I could stick around to see how this ends, but I have to keep it moving. Thank you for the good intentions, though.
Also nurses are always complaining and never really doing anything about it.
Most staff nures that I’ve come across are envious at even travel agency and give us the worst assignments. Talk about mean spirited professionals.
Why am I more upset about the deliberately mean spirited patronizing and condescending comments of Michelle Collins than the caught off guard, didn’t know what she was talking about comments of Joy Behar? I can excuse the uninformed much easier than Collins’ comments. Just saying.
Each one should apologize by walking in nurses shoes for a week.
they are not worthy of that!!
I have enjoyed the View for years. But Joy just out and out blew it, big time. I agree with her explanation. She simply did not know enough about the topic to speak. Her off hand comment discounted an entire profession.
I was recently in the hospital for the better part of three weeks. The nurses were intelligent and highly professional..no surprise there. But after working twelve hour shifts, how they could still remain upbeat, encouraging, supportive and keep their sense of humor intact, is beyond me.
Thank you, nurses of St. Lukes South, Kansas City!
I am a medical assistant. 12 years ago I had to make the difficult decision to take my son off of life support and let him go. The nurse had left her stethoscope in the room. When my husband saw me reach for it he whispered, “you don’t want to do that ” but it was very important to me to hear his last heartbeats as he left this world. As a mom you are so excited to hear those first heartbeats and it meant so much to me to hear his last ones
Did you know that if you shove the bell end of a stethoscope up Joy Behar’s ass, you can hear “The View”?
Although it was a nice gesture that the lady wore her uniform but it was in poor taste for a competition. I don’t condone what Joy on the View said; however, I don’t believe she needs to be attacked either. It just goes to show how mean spirited nurses are both in and out of the hospital at any opportunity they can get. (side eye) When we stop bullying one another in the work place, then we can talk.
I hope you remember you felt that way the next time your or a loved one need a nurse.
You’re an idiot.
Takes one to know one doesn’t it, huh? It never ceases to amaze me of all the mean spirited people that call themselves nurses that I come across. You are probably one of the unit bullies, aren’t you?
All the women on the view do is sit and bash people. That is their whole show! Well this time they bit off more than they could chew! Yes, they do deserve to be attacked as they do it frequently to others! They are just a bunch of mean girls! & nurses standing up defending what they do and not tolerating the ignorance of the women on the view doesnt make us mean spirited at all. We are being advocates for each other! That’s what nurses do!
This is a time to lift each other up together as nurses. While nurse bullying is a problem, I have been on the attacked side many times, this is a time to love each other and fight for things like safe ratios and better pay and respect. This blog was wonderful, as have been the overwhelming posts on #showmethestethoscope. It has made me proud to be a nurse and to not only have known great people in the medical profession as a whole, but to feel connected.
Until we can lift one another up for real where it counts (at the bedside or wherever one may work), the facade of solidarity is truly meaningless.
Mean spirited? Honey, being belittled, spat upon, overworked, underpaid, taking care of the ungrateful scourge of society on a regular basis while being called choice names to your face and a myriad of other unpleasant things you would do while maintaining a professional attitude and holding your bladder would probably cause you to ascend to sainthood if you were in our place for sure. Try it. That is if you can hop down from cloud you float on and attempt to live in the real world.
I rest my case. I was on All nurses Blog and was also attacked for ‘keepin it real’. Baby, I’m been in healthcare for over 20 years and have worked a lot of places, it’s a dog eat dog world in nursing. Male nurses could tell about the mean spirited females that they encountered. It’s totally unacceptable and nursing has a HUGE blot on the those White uniforms (of purity) because of this bullying issue. Peace out!
Now you chew on dem apples yourself Honey.
Wow, you’re really bitter.