Nurses Networking on BluePipes

Reach Healthcare Professionals on BluePipes

The Premier Healthcare Professional Network

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Over 100,000 monthly pageviews.

Over 80% of traffic is driven by organic search.

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100% of content is related to nursing careers.

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Over 90% of content is related to travel nursing.

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Over 12,000 active members on BluePipes.

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Over 90% of members are Registered Nurses.

Ad UnitDetailsSizeCost
Right side ad-blockA table containing 4 ample sized advertisements that appear in the middle of the right sidebar of every content page.140px x 140px$100 per month
Grand top right side adA large banner ad placed at the top of the right sidebar of every content page. 3 advertisements are rotated so you’re guaranteed to reach 33% of our visitors.289px x 289 px$300 per month
Top in-content ad.A large banner strip ad placed at the top of each blog post inside the content container. 3 advertisements are rotated so you’re guaranteed to reach 33% of our visitors.640px x 90px$500 per month

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